Another chapter in writing

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After publishing commercially for over ten years, I have stepped foot into a different area of publishing and now have a chapter in an academic text. My chapter, "Exclusionary Structure or Cultural Clash, Why do Immigrants Dropout? A Comparison of One Group in Two Different Countries" was the result of a course I took at Michigan State University with Maria Teresa Tatto, the current president of CIES (The Comparative and International Education Society)

Abstract of my chapter:

This chapter explores the relationship between external and internal factors in relationship to the secondary school dropout rates of first and second generation Moroccans in the Netherlands and France. Institutional and Governance Theories conceptually frame the analysis. The main findings of the paper are that despite each country’s efforts to address the problem, the secondary school dropout rates of first and second generation Moroccans in the Netherlands and France remain high and this continually high rate is the result of both internal factors, such as familial expectations, and external factors, such as educational structure. 

